Boss Eliminator
Mosquito and General Pest Control Applicator
University of Florida - Tech Days with the FPMA : Gas Blower vs. Battery Operated.
Dan Killingsworth of EnSec Pest & Lawn and Michael Howe of NPD discuss the Boss Eliminator Mosquito & General Pest Control Sprayer.
Speed II: Misting Heights up to 20 feet high.
Watch video to learn more!
Droplet Size Chart
The only Mosquito Misting & Pest Control Applicator in the market. 2 spraying technologies in 1 sprayer.
2000 times quieter than Gas/Oil Blower Equipment.
Meeting the needs of noise ordinance legislation.
Gas/Oil savings from $5,600.00 to $9,600.00 per year,
per operating Technician.
Your immediate fuel savings alone will purchase 11 to 20 sprayers.
Reducing Drift, Targeted Applications.
Review our 3rd party Droplet Analysis Report.
Immediate Corporate Carbon footprint reduction 19.59 lbs. of
CO2 for every gallon of gas burned.
Weight reduction can be from 60lbs Gas/Oil to 28.5lbs Battery.
50% lighter when both pieces of equipment are full.
Powerful 18 Volt Rechargeable Battery Technology.
Now provides a green alternative to gas and oil.
Reduce service scheduling problems.
Complete all of the following
treatments: Exterior Perimeter Spray, 25 ft high Pin Spray, low flow
crack/cervices, attic treatments, crawl spaces,mosquito misting, misting
Ergonomically Efficient.
Left / Right-Handed Spray
applicator “designed to remove incompatibilities between the work and the
worker and creates the optimal work environment”
No costly off-site repairs needed. NPD operating system (the heart)
can be installed in 20 minutes, no loss in daily production.